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Library for MQL5 (MetaTrader) with support for Spark
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CCArrayListArrayList from Java
 CCArrayListClassArrayList from Java for Class only
 CCCsvFileWrite data to a file format CSV
 CCForestSerializerSave and load data for the class CDecisionForest (Alglib)
 CCMLPDataFileMLPDataFile = CSV in a binary format
 CCOrderDataSimulation of orders with attached data for research
 CCOrderDataObjectThe object for COrderData
 CCOrderSqlRecord data of simulated orders (COrderData) in a file format MySQL
 CCPythonDLLClass for PythonDLL.dll
 CCSqlFileWrite data to a file format MySQL
 CCSqlObjectA base class for generating data as an array
 CCSqlObjectSnapShotThis class stores the result of the class inherited from CSqlObject into the array
 CCStatisticCounting data and printing out the accumulated information
 CCTesterSqlRecord optimization results in SQL and CSV format files
 CCToIndicatorDisplaying data from Expert or Script using functions for indicators
 CCUnitTestBase class for UnitTest